Since 1989 we focus on developing our own salary and HR information systems and outsourcing salary and HR administration. We have more than 100 highly qualified employees located at our headquarters in Prague, our branch offices in Ostrava, Brno and Humpolec, and at our subsidiary in Slovakia, with huge knowledge of information systems development, salary legislation, HR issues etc.

We continuously implement all corresponding changes in the Czech and Slovak legislation to our software products and, through our partners, we can provide salary and HR administration outsourcing in many countries of the Central and Eastern Europe.

We have more than 1,000 customers in the civil service sector, industry, trade, tourist industry, banking, etc., every month we process up to 30,000 payslips under outsourcing conditions and another more than 100,000 payslips get processed every month through our software.

What do we offer?

We can perform comprehensive processing of our customers‘ salary administration. We use our DC2 information system with an option to use ASP connection, ensuring online client access to the data being processed. We also offer a possibility to use our HR modules, intranet employee attendance solutions via a web application, Portal application, electronic payslip delivery, travel order processing and many more services.

We ensure full HR administration processing, we can take over of the entire HR process from cooperation during employee selection to preparing contracts, employee files management, labour law matters solutions, employees‘ personal development plans processing, ensuring their training, assessment, benefit management and other activities.

Our software solutions are suitable for every type of organization and government body. The DC2 information system with non-conflicting real-time data sharing is suitable for mid-range companies and large enterprises; for smaller businesses, we can implement the DC1 system whose advantages lie in low hardware requirements and easy administration. The portal solution enables publishing company management information for each employee.

Comprehensive intranet solution both for businesses or organizations with smaller number of employees and large enterprises with staff assigned to various locations. The systems register and evaluate working hours through identity cards or chips, based on passings detected by sensors or on entered or planned absence. All the solutions are fully integrated to the DC2 system but they can be implemented to other HR-salary IT systems as well.

We provide consultations and counselling for salary and HR administration. We can carry out vacancy analyses, process competence models, design assessment systems. We implement audits targeted to correct labour law documentation management, salary calculation, salary and registration sheets for social security scheme management, travel expenses reimbursement, accounting and tax processing of benefits and other requirements.